Richard Bright

Passed 06/05/2021

Obituary For Richard Bright

Leak and Sons Funeral Home 18400 S. Pulaski Road Country Club Hills, IL 60478

June 19, 2021 Wake: 1:00pm ~ 1:30pm Funeral: 1:30pm ~ 2:30pm

Guest Book

Dear Dad, it is your oldest daughter Nina Bright, A.K.A. Sarah Elizabeth Ann Rose. I am so sorry I was not invited to your funeral or to say my last I love you to you. Please know you are my hero, best friend and the cream in my coffee. Please know I will always love you and I know you are with me and your grandson Christopher Patrick Rose in spirit. Love you, Sarah and Chris.

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I don't know anyone else thoughtful enough to buy 150 - 200 boxes of chocolate on Valentine's Day and pass out to all of the women at the stepper sets. I had many laughs with Richard and will miss him dearly. May his soul RIP and God Bless the Family. Renee Dedeaux

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Our staff will continue to keep your family in our prayers. We thank you for allowing us to serve your family.

- Leak & Sons Funeral Homes | Illinois