Celebration of Life will be held Saturday, April 1, 2023@11am. At Zion Hill Missionary Baptist Church, 3670 Boulder Park Drive, SW, Atlanta, Georgia 30331. Rev. William L. Strickland, Officiating. Viewing will be Friday, March 31, 2023 from 11am to 4pm.
Great guy, Peace, Light and love bro.
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Sip in peace unk me and my son will miss u so much bet I can't be mad u in a better place ur nieces pooh
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Mr. Curtis and the Smith family- We are sorry to learn of Marion's passing. God has taken him into his arms to rest. We are praying that God will bestow comfort, peace and understanding upon each of you. Our Love, Mark & Cassandra Keahon
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Your struggle with illness is over and your eternity with Our Lord begins. We will miss you.D462FFJ
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I will forever cherish our bond of music, games, food and same stubbornness and sense of humor. I will miss you so much confortamini et intrepidi I love you dad Corey
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Rest In Peace Marion, your struggle is over. I love you. Natasha
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Sip my uncle me and the baby will miss u I will always love u
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Our staff will continue to keep your family in our prayers. We thank you for allowing us to serve your family.
- Knox Funeral Home, Inc. | Atlanta, GA