Claudius Hunter

Passed 12/10/2016

Obituary For Claudius Hunter

Claudius Hunter, 60, passed on December 10, 2016. Funeral service on Friday, December 16, 2016, at Peace Missionary Baptist Church, 2608 Apex Highway, at 1:00 pm and visitation at 12 noon.

Guest Book

you were well loved may peace be with you your cousin mary

- mary johnson

May peace and blessing be with the Hunter family and friends.

- Reginald Muhammad

Walk those golden streets with a smile childhood friend RIP until we meet again praying for the Hunter family for peace and comfort

- Anita Haskins Williams( Neet )

My prayer is for the family. Keep your heads up. My friend will have no more pain or suffering. Your brother was a tough man and a good man. You may not be able to see or touch him, but the memories are still here. Claude had a walk that no one could match. Now he is walking in a new place, a better place. I thank God I had a chance to walk with Claude.

- Willie Willliams

Praying for you all during your time of loss and Gloria my heart go out to you.

- Linda Bostic Clark

iam sorry for your loss Claudius Hunter rest in peace love always tony judd

- Tony Judd