Maria Enriquez De Jimenez

Passed 08/30/2017

Obituary For Maria Enriquez De Jimenez

Maria Soledad Enriquez De Jimenez, 43, passed on August 30, 2017. Memorial service on Thursday, August 31, 2017, at Holloway Memorial Funeral Home from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Guest Book

To the Jimenez Family and to all who loved Maria Enriquez De Jimenez. Although we have never met personally, I wish to express my condolences. The loss of a loved one can be the most difficult thing that a person may have to ever experience in their lives. Please allow me to share something that has brought many comfort in these difficult times. Revelation chapter 21 and verse 4 says 'And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will morning nor outcry nor pain anymore the former things have passed away.' Imagine a world where death and pain are gone, and where there will be no tears because the bad things we deal with today will be done away with. How beautiful it will be for us also to see our loved ones again as the Bible fortells. (John 5:28,29) This hope has always brought me some peace of mind and something to look forward to in the near future. I hope it does the same for you.

- Jason

Sorry for the loss of your loved one. John 5:28, 29 assures Jesus will restore life to those who has died. Revelation 21:3, 4 gives further assurance death will be swallowed up forever. This is a comforting thought knowing your loved one is in God's memory. Hope this brings comfort.

- Ms Allison

My condolence to you and your family. You and your family are in my prayers for strength beyond normal, and comfort in your time of need. soon our heavenly father  is going to soon  send Jesus to set up  his Kingdom here on Earth. Remember the scripture, our father who is in Heaven , hallow it be your name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done in heaven, also Earth It is speaking about this government here on Earth . Then he  will  heal the  sickness,  bring  back the  dead   here   on Earth. No  more death,  wars, tears, pain. sickness. Rev. 21:3.-5,   Matt 6:6-10   John 5:28, 29    Palms 83:18  psalms 33:25 , Psalms 83:18 God does NOT cause our death right now. Ecc. 9:11. For  more comfort  email me for free at : I  do all things for  God  and  Jesus    And it all is  free as, Jesus said to go free, give free

- Kathy Terwilliger

My sincere condolences to the family for your loss. I hope that you find comfort in God's promise of a resurrection. John 5:28,29.

- c.

Buenas tardes,usted y su familia no me conocen pero lamento mucho su perdida por eso le escribo pues e pasado por el mismo dolor hace poco y para mi y mi familia fueron muy animadoras y llena de consuelo las palabras de una promesa que aparecen en un texto bíblico Revelación 21:4 donde dios nos promete que dejaremos de sufrir por lo que mas dolor nos causa en este mundo,la muerte y que dejaremos de llorar por la pérdida de nuestros seres amados,solo lloraremos de felicidad al ver cumplidas también las palabras de el texto de Hechos 24:15 donde nos dice que seamos buenos o seamos fieles a él o muramos sin conocerlo el nos promete que traerá a la vida mediante la resurrección a todos los que estén dormidos en la muerte,estas bellas promesas nos llenan se esperanza y consuelo a mi familia y a mi y deseo de todo corazón que les suceda los mismo a usted y su familia,espero que mejore su dolor poco a poco que tenga buen día y no deje de apoyarse en la oración que es un magnífico medio en el que podemos abrir nuestro corazón a dios y aliviar nuestro dolor,tenga un buen dia

- Ana