Cassandra Fogg

Passed 08/29/2017

Obituary For Cassandra Fogg

Cassandra Theadora Chislom Fogg was born November 12, 1949 in Charleston, SC. She departed this life Tuesday August 29, 2017. She spent her teen and young adult life in Brooklyn, N.Y. until she moved to Durham, NC. She was preceded in death by her mother, Hellen Chislom and former spouse Sherman Fogg. Cassandra was a popular educator in the Triangle area. She taught at Saint Augustine College (now Saint Augustine University). She was a beloved English teacher, and department chair at Durham High School for many years after which she served as an assistant principal at Rogers Herr Middle School, Eno Valley Elementary School, and Hope Valley Elementary School until she was named principal of Y. E. Smith Elementary School, where she remained until she retired. After retirement from Durham Public Schools, Cassandra served as Director of Tutorial Services at Shaw University until December 2015. She is survived by her son, Igwe Fogg; daughter, Zenani Fogg; grandchildren, Zion and Aria Fogg; sister Missy Robinson (Tony); niece, Shakiya Chislom; nephew, Shamari Robinson; former sister-in-law, Sadiyah Shakur; former brother-in-law, Haneef Dudley. Funeral service will be held Saturday, September 9, 2017, at Y.E. Smith Elementary School, 2410 E Main Street, Durham NC 27703 at 12 noon with visitation starting at 11:00 am.

Guest Book

May you rest in love and peace, my Sistah. I will miss your smile, your laugh, your love for Shaw U students, and I will miss YOU, until we meet again.

- Juanda

• May you find comfort in knowing that your dear one is safe in the memory of God, who will remember every detail about him and bring him back again.”As the last enemy, death is to be brought to nothing.”—1 Corinthians 15:26.

- Lee Belton

To The family of ms.fogg...our heart felt Fogg was my childrens principal in 2005. son passed on 8/19/2017. I know your pain...Elohim be your comforter. May he wipe away your tears...for you I am praying.

- Gina

To The family of ms.fogg...our heart felt Fogg was my childrens principal in 2005. son passed on 8/19/2017. I know your pain...Elohim be your comforter. May he wipe away your tears...for you I am praying.

- Gina

My thoughts are with you and the family and how death robs us of our loved ones. Jehovah God has promised to remove death, sickness, and pain from the earth and reunite us with our loved one on a cleansed earth in the future. (Revelation 21:4; John 5:28,29; John 17:3; Psalms 83:18)  In the meantime you can be sure that God understands how you feel now! The Bible assures us: 'He is healing the brokenhearted ones, And is binding up there painful spots.' Psalms 147:3

- D. Peete

Buenas tardes,usted y su familia no me conocen pero lamento mucho su perdida por eso le escribo pues e pasado por el mismo dolor hace poco y para mi y mi familia fueron muy animadoras y llena de consuelo las palabras de una promesa que aparecen en un texto bíblico Revelación 21:4 donde dios nos promete que dejaremos de sufrir por lo que mas dolor nos causa en este mundo,la muerte y que dejaremos de llorar por la pérdida de nuestros seres amados,solo lloraremos de felicidad al ver cumplidas también las palabras de el texto de Hechos 24:15 donde nos dice que seamos buenos o seamos fieles a él o muramos sin conocerlo el nos promete que traerá a la vida mediante la resurrección a todos los que estén dormidos en la muerte,estas bellas promesas nos llenan se esperanza y consuelo a mi familia y a mi y deseo de todo corazón que les suceda los mismo a usted y su familia,espero que mejore su dolor poco a poco que tenga buen día y no deje de apoyarse en la oración que es un magnífico medio en el que podemos abrir nuestro corazón a dios y aliviar nuestro dolor,tenga un buen dia

- Ana

Zenani you and your family are in our prayers and we love you. Carlton & Gloria Solomon & Family

- Gloria Solomon

Cassandra and I were more than former co-workers at Durham High. We were close friends. She was loving and kind to me as well as to my family. We enjoyed many walks at Northgate Mall where we were trying to stay fit. I will miss the conversations, the laughter, the shopping, and the delicious meals we shared. Fogg, as I often called her, will always be known as a great educator, but I will remember her as a dear friend. My love and condolences are with the family.

- Anita

Ms. Fogg was like a Godmother to me. I am truly going to miss her. I send my deepest sympathies and prayers for the family. May God rest her soul.

- Roderick

Ms. Fogg was like a Godmother to me. I am truly going to miss her. I send my deepest sympathies and prayers for the family. May God rest her soul.

- Roderick

Ms. Fogg was like a Godmother to me. I am truly going to miss her. I send my deepest sympathies and prayers for the family. May God rest her soul.

- Roderick

My dear friend. She knew how to make you laugh. I will never forget you Fogg. My condolences to the family.

- Dr. Sonja Brown

Mrs. Fogg was best high teacher ever. She is the reason I continue to teach. You inspire me and your legacy lives on. Love and prayer to tne family.

- Michelle

Cassandra was a wonderful colleague (Durham High School) with a delightful sense of humor. An especially encouraging teacher with special needs students. My prayers go out to all the family.

- Sylvia

Feb. 1, 1982, Ms. Fogg was my English Professor at St Augustines College my freshman year. She walked in the class and asked who knew what today was. Not one student in the auditorium could answer. The lecture for the day turned into a valuable scolding about Black History that I never forgot. That lesson propelled me forward in life and it was Ms. Fogg who inspired me and reminded me that I am standing on the shoulders of many who have gone without for me to have a seat. May God Bless you richly for the flame you lit in so many a student Ms Fogg! Family, this was a well deserved rest, may you God Bless you as you tarry.

- Rev. Dr. J Anthony

Fervent prayer extended and condolences to the Fogg family.

- Joseph King

Fervent prayer extended and condolences to the Fogg family.

- Joseph King

My sincere condolences to the family for your loss. May you find comfort in God's promise of a resurrection on a paradise earth where suffering and death will be no more. Revelation 21:3,4. John 5:28,29. You can learn more about the marvelous resurrection hope and Jehovah's purpose for mankind and the earth that will be accomplished through his son Christ Jesus and the heavenly kingdom government

- Cassandra

My condolences to the Fogg family. I am at a lost for words. Mrs. Fogg was and has always been one of my favorite teachers. I had her English class in 9th and 12th grade at DHS c/o '89'. She was a true educator. An ambassador in education in her own right. I love Mrs. Fogg and she will be truly missed. Rest Easy and in Peace. Your student. -Tabitha Miles

- Tabitha Miles

Sandy was one of my favorite colleagues at Durham High School. She found humor in even the toughest of times and as our English Department chair led us so well. My sincerest sympathy for her bereaved loved ones.

- Diane Judge

I am so sorry for your loss. Ms. Fogg was an amazing individual and will be truly missed. I am so thankful to have known her and have her as such an incredible boss, mentor and friend.

- Elissa

She in deed will be missed!!! I was just telling someone a week or so ago that I had a few teachers that influenced my life and path. I'm So GREATFUL for the BLESSING of her in life!

- William

I am sorry for your Loss. I saw Mrs, Fogg a while back and she was still that sweet lady I met years ago at Durham High School. I pray for comfort and peace for all!

- Marcia Cheek

Mrs. Fogg was the best high teacher ever. She is the reason I continue to teach. You inspire me and your legacy lives on. Love and prayer to tne family.

- Michelle