Florence King Obituary in Alexandria at Greene Funeral Home, Inc. | Alexandria, VA
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Greene Funeral Home, Inc. | Alexandria, VA

Florence King

Passed 12/09/2021

Obituary For Florence King

The memorial service for Florence King is scheduled for 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, January 15, 2022 at McLean Bible Church (Smith Center), 8925 Leesburg Pike, Vienna, VA 22182.

In response to questions regarding donations, donations may be submitted in her name to the following organizations:

Alive! 2723 King Street Alexandria, VA 22302 (This organization provides Alexandria City residents with housing, food & other assistance during their time of need. Florence served as a volunteer with this organization.) To provide a tribute gift to Alive! in memory of Florence King, please visit this link: https://www.alive-inc.org/financial-donation/

Where it requests who to notify regarding the gift, please write in her son’s name: Carlton King 614 South Payne Street Alexandria, VA 22314

Luther Jackson High School Alumni Association, Inc. P.O. Box 1043 Centreville, VA 20122 (Florence graduated from this African-American high school and was an active member of this organization that provides scholarships to descendants of those who attended the high school prior to desegregation in 1965 – the year Florence graduated)


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For Customer Service please call: 1-888-610-8262


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Flowers are delivered by the preferred local florist of Greene Funeral Home, Inc. | Alexandria, VA.
For Customer Service please call: 1-888-610-8262


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